Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Best Way To Organize Clothes In A Large Closet

The Best Way to Organize Clothes in a Large Closet

Everyone going to work, school, play or relax starts the day getting dressed. Closets provide spaces designed specifically to protect and preserve all clothes including shirts, pants, suits, blouses, slacks, skirts and dresses. Shoes, hats and accessories can also be put in the closet along hanging belt and tie racks. It is important to organize a large closet so clothes and styles for different seasons or occasions are easily located. Does this Spark an idea?

The Closet Floor

Always put your shoe racks on the floor. Shoes of course carry dirt and dust and putting them up on a shelf might lead to clothes underneath getting dirty. Put the shoes you wear most often in the middle. Dress shoes, expensive pumps or heels can be kept on each side of the closet, where they can be more protected. This prevents fine leather finishes from getting scuffed. Even shoes kept in boxes should be stored in this order on the closet floor. After all, if there is any water problems with the house, shoes are the least likely to be damaged when they get wet.

The Closet Hanging Rack

Put your everyday work and play clothes in the middle of your closet rack. An imaginary or actual divider in the middle is good for putting shirts on one side and pants on the other. Always hang shirts in the same direction. This avoids having to pull them out to see the front. Order the pants and shirts in a manner similar to the shoes, with more special clothes to the far right and left. Hanging long dresses and suit pants may cause some trouble but keeping those long hanging clothes away from the shoes underneath will avoid problems with any dirt from the shoes. Also, if you use hanging racks for belts or ties, place these in the middle for easy access.

The Top Shelf

The top shelf is not a place to toss anything. Use it for specific purposes and avoid clutter. Stack hats that might be crushed on the top shelf. Next to the hats is a good place for purses and handbags. Many people use their closet shelf to store things like toiletries or makeup. Avoid this practice because spilling any contents can ruin the clothes and shoes on the rack and floor.

Closets With Drawers

Many large closets have built-in drawers and additional shelves. These should be arranged with the most used items on top and the less used ones farther down. Avoid using the drawers or any other shelves just to put away stuff with no other proper place. This way you will avoid becoming overwhelmed with clutter or being unable to find a special item lost in the drawers and shelves. The best way to keep any closet or storage space organized and easily accessible is to remember the rule taught to every soldier in boot camp: a place for everything and everything in its place.

Tags: Best Organize, Best Organize Clothes, Clothes Large, Clothes Large Closet, from shoes, Organize Clothes