Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A List For Organize Your Arts & Crafts Room

Items with a similar use are grouped together.

A dedicated arts and crafts area keeps all of your supplies centralized, but all those materials need organization to avoid a cluttered mess. An organized storage system keeps similar craft supplies together and easier to find when you need them. You also reduce clutter in the room so you have more space for your projects. The size of the room, your preferred craft types and the material you have to store all affect how you organize the space. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Sort through all of the craft supplies to determine what you have and if anything needs to be tossed. Group the materials together based on purpose and type. For example, put all sewing materials together in a pile.

2. Clear out any extra furniture or materials that don't relate to crafting. Determine what furniture will be left and what purpose it will serve within the craft room.

3. Assign each area of the room with a different purpose to divide the space into functional spaces. This might include a sewing area, work table and storage area for supplies.

4. Hang shelves over each work area to hold materials you use often for that craft. For example, on the shelves near the sewing station, store thread, bobbins, needles, pins, ribbon, material, scissors and a ruler. This gives you easy access to the items without leaving the work area.

5. Set up a general storage rack or cupboard in the room for the materials that you don't store in the specific work areas. Label each shelf to identify the type of material you want to store there. This makes it easier to get the craft items back in place to keep the area organized.

6. Store small items inside clear containers like glass jars or plastic boxes to keep them from spilling. The clear material allows you to easily see what is inside to locate items faster. Add a label to the outside of the container for further assistance in finding what you need.

7. Hang a pegboard with pegs to hold items like scissors in an easily accessible location. Hang baskets on the pegboard to hold smaller items.

8. Store decorative paper in a small shelving unit or drawer unit. This protects the paper from bending or getting damaged in storage.

Tags: craft supplies, materials that, materials together, work area