Friday, June 17, 2011

Put Clothes Together In Your Closet

If you are like most of the working adults in America, you are short on time, long on things you have to do and somewhere in between in terms of how organized you are. Just taking the time to organize your closet can go a long way toward eliminating the guesswork of what to wear every morning and giving you more time to attend to the important things--like that half-caff mocha latte you never have time to stop for anymore. Streamlining your process is only going to benefit you. Make a little time to organize. Does this Spark an idea?


Clear the Clutter

1. Remove everything from your closet and either pile it on the bed or the floor. As you are doing so, put like things together in piles: pants with pants, shirts with shirts and so on. Make a pile for things that need to be folded up like sweaters and T-shirts.

2. Start a "gimme pile" for things that you are either going to sell or donate. A good rule of thumb is, if you have not worn or used something in the last year, then chances are that you are not going to use it in the coming year either. Set these things in the "gimme pile", no matter how painful it might be.

3. Try things on, but don't sidetrack yourself with a fashion montage. If you are holding onto your "skinny" clothes in the hope that someday you will lose that extra 20 pounds, give yourself a shake. If any of your clothes have shoulder pads, shake again. Once you weed out the clothes and shoes that don't fit you anymore, you'll discover that you have a lot more room in your closet than you think you did.

4. Choose a format. Take a moment to consider your wardrobe. Do you dress by what's in front or do you prefer to coordinate by color or fabric? Decide whether you are going to organize by type like pants, skirts, dresses and shirts or if you want to section your apparel by colors.

5. Picture the rainbow. One of the ways to organize your closet is to hang things first by type (pants with pants, dresses with dresses) and then according to the progression of color. An added benefit is that it looks pretty when you are finished.

Hang It Up

6. Put everything on hangers a piece at a time and hang it in the closet. Put longer items to the sides of your closet and shorter items in the middle. That way, you have an unobstructed view of the floor of the closet so that you can see your shoes easily and any boxes that you have for smaller items.

7. Hang everything in the same direction. Put all the openings of the shirts either to the left or the right. Hang pants and dresses the same way. Put all the hangers in one direction also, so that all of the hangers either go over the bar or they all go under the bar. This makes it easier to grab things quickly from your closet.

8. Keep it up. Whenever you put new items in your closet, hang them using the same system. Your closet will stay organized much longer.

Know When to Fold 'Em

9. Fold your sweaters and T-shirts to keep from getting hanger marks on the shoulders.

10. Group your folded items by type and then by color.

11. Store your folded items under the bed or in labeled boxes in the closet if you don't have enough dresser space.

Tags: your closet, closet hang, folded items, from your, from your closet