Sunday, March 6, 2011

Install Stanley Bifold Doors

Stanley bifold doors are easy to install and offer several advantages over conventional interior doors that require floor space to open and bypass doors that only give access to half of the opening at a time. Installing a standard 3-foot-wide, two-panel Stanley bifold door in a closet, pantry or laundry room follows a procedure that can be used to install wider or double door units by applying the steps to each door. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Mark the center line of the wall thickness at both sides of the top of the door opening, then use a level or straight edge to connect the two marks to define the top track center line.

2. Level the line marked in step 1 to the bottom of the door opening on the pivot side, or both sides for a double bifold door installation. This marks the center line of the door pivot bracket.

3. Place the top track against the top of the door opening and center the predrilled screw holes in the track on the center line marked in step 1. Secure the top track with the screws provided.

4. Install the bottom pivot bracket perpendicular to the inside face of the door opening and aligned with the center line placed in step 2. Position the bracket with the short upturned angle against the wall and the longer notched arm flat on the floor surface, then secure with the screws provided.

5. Rest the bifold door on the floor, open with the exterior face up and locate the spring-loaded top pivot pin and roller guide provided with the door hardware.

6. Install the top pivot pin in the top predrilled hole on the pivoting side of the door.

7. Install the roller guide in the other predrilled top hole at the opposite side of the door.

8. Install the adjustable bottom pivot pin in the predrilled hole in the bottom of the pivot side door and set the screw to approximately 1/2-inch from the bottom edge of the door frame.

9. Position the door vertically beside the the door opening.

10. Insert the top pivot pin into the hole in the top track pivot bracket, then move the bottom of the door inward to allow the bottom pivot pin to lower into the floor bracket installed in step 6. The notches in the bottom pivot pin will interlock with the notched edges of the slot in the floor bracket.

11. Extend the door and insert the spring-loaded top roller guide wheel into the top track by depressing the wheel and aligning it with the track, then releasing to allow it to engage in the track.

12. Measure the distance between the face of the door opening and the edge of the door frame at the top with the door fully closed.

13. Adjust the side spacing between the face of the door opening and the edge of the door frame at the bottom to match the measurement determined in Step 12 by raising the bottom of the door slightly at the bottom pivot, then adjusting the pivot pin in the bracket. The distance between the door edge and the face of the opening should match when properly aligned.

14. Close the door and measure the distance between the top of the door frame and the bottom edge of the top track. This measurement should be between 1/4 and 3/8 inch. Adjust the door's height by slightly raising the door at the bottom pivot and adjusting the bottom pivot pin clockwise to lower the door and counterclockwise to raise it as needed.

15. Repeat steps 4 through 14 to install the adjoining door for a double door installation. The center gap between the doors should be a maximum of 1/8 inch and center interlocking door guides should be installed according to the manufacturer's specifications.

Tags: bottom pivot, door opening, center line, door frame, pivot bracket, bifold door, bottom door