Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Design Builtin Shelves

Shelves can turn a wall into a work of art.

Built-in shelves will help to organize every room in the house, but they can also beautify a space. For example, shelves throughout the house that look like cabinetry will enhance the home's market value. Building various types of shelving to keep space neat also offers options to display artwork and crafts. Shelves are perfect to keep media equipment and books in order, too, so you don't waste time searching for movies or reading materials. To de-clutter, include storage baskets and bins, especially those shelves inside walk-in closets. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Measure the space to allow for shelves. Draw the basic plan to see what shelf spacing works best; for example, build shelves 12 inches apart. Draw a plan to install bookcases or a wall unit in relation to the room's furnishings. Plan to scale back on furniture to create room for built-in shelves, if needed. Look through home design books to get additional ideas.

2. Plan to include special shelving features. Use shelves made of glass, for example. Include closable doors over a T.V. or plan to add sliding doors or special hardware to make shelves glide forward in certain spaces on the wall area.

3. Plan for specific building materials. Visit a home improvement store to review premade shelving boards and plywood. Don't overlook metal and vinyl materials for shelves, too. Keep in mind that recycled cabinets, recycled metal and other materials can be incorporated into the design. Crown molding and various wood trims can add a great look to any shelving area.

4. Locate wall framing. Use a stud finder. Attach support brackets or wood strips to hold shelving. Design the construction so all support brackets and screws are hidden from view. Examine the wall area for electrical wiring inside drywall spaces. Don't accidentally drill into a wire while securing shelving to walls. Open the wall to examine the interior, if you are in doubt about the location of wires or plumbing pipes.

5. Plan paint or stain the shelves. Do some of the finishing work before shelving is assembled to save time. Sand and stain boards for the entire shelving system, for example, before installing wall brackets. Paint cabinet doors to fit over shelves before hanging them in place. You can use a sealant, such as polyurethane, to preserve the finish of the shelves. Add a sealant if you anticipate a lot of wear and tear.

Tags: doors over, support brackets, wall area