Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Closet Organizing Options

Taking the time to organize your closet seems like a lot to tackle but the results are rewarding. How many times have you searched through a pile of clothes for your favorite green top or bought a black jacket, only to discover months later that you already have a black jacket? Fortunately, there are many options and products available that can help de-clutter and maintain organization for any closet size. Does this Spark an idea?


Before you even begin organizing, you have to first clear out the entire closet and evaluate your wardrobe. Distinguish your clothes, shoes and accessories by keeping the things you wear and tossing out anything you have not worn within a year. Donate clothes that no longer fit or are no longer in style. Then categorize your current wardrobe by season (fall/winter and spring/summer); purpose (work or casual); and type (shirts, pants, skirts, dresses, etc.). Keep the current season wardrobe for the closet and store away the off-season wardrobe in plastic containers with cedar chips.


Take the time to evaluate your empty closet and try to visualize how you can utilize the space. By understanding the dimensions of your closet you will figure out what supplies will be appropriate: plastic bins, extra closet rods, or shelves. A well-organized closet uses every inch.

Shoes and Accessories

Keeping shoes in boxes with a description or a photo is one solution to organizing shoes. Clear, plastic boxes with draw-front pulls are another option that keeps shoes easily accessible and visible. Use a shoe rack that hangs on the back of a closet door if shelving or floor space is minimal. Take advantage of the back of the closet door by hanging hooks or belt hangers to organize other accessories like bags, scarves, hats, ties, and belts. If you have a lot of accessories, consider purchasing small, plastic containers with labels and divide the accessories by type.

Hangers, Dividers and Containers

Invest in a variety of sturdy wooden shirt and pants hangers. Wooden hangers will not only maximize closet space but will also maintain the condition of your clothes. Throw out (or recycle) all wire hangers as they can easily stretch out clothes. If you have a tall closet, consider purchasing extra shelves with sweater dividers for sweaters and T-shirts that are better folded than hung. For wide closets with floor space, purchase clear, plastic, stackable containers with pull-out drawers, rather than lids, for easy access. Also, be sure to label the containers according to content.

Final Organization

Finally, divide the work wardrobe from the casual wardrobe. Then, within these two groups, separate the items by type. Lastly, among the different types of clothes, separate them by color.

Hang each shirt on a wooden hanger and add it back to your closet, color coordinated from dark to light. Do the same by grouping all the pants together, all the skirts together, and so forth. Do not hang T-shirt or sweaters; instead, stack them in a manageable height and store them up above or in containers. Be sure to categorize your casual, folded clothes by purpose, type and color as well.

Tags: containers with, your closet, back closet, back closet door, black jacket