Monday, January 16, 2012

Free Kids Storage Ideas

You can use shoeboxes for storage in kids' rooms.

A child's room can quickly look like a disaster area if clutter is left untamed. Luckily you don't have to spend a fortune on expensive organizing materials. You can recycle items that you have in your home already to create storage options for kids' rooms. Using free storage methods allows you to cut down on waste and to keep your child's belongings in check. Does this Spark an idea?

Shoe Boxes

Shoe boxes can provide simple and free storage solutions. Most of the shoes that you purchase come in boxes, so you can recycle these containers for storage purposes. Collect shoe boxes from around the home and enlist your children's help in decorating them. You can cover them in brightly covered construction paper and decorate them with markers, crayons and stickers. Label each shoe box with what belongs inside. These boxes make excellent storage containers for items such as puzzles, small building blocks, art supplies, action figures and collections (like coins or marbles). You can stack the shoe boxes in a closet or slide them under most beds.


While many kids have storage options in the form of drawers, these drawers often don't stay organized. When children pack items into drawers without any form of organization, the storage capacity of the drawers is dramatically reduced. To make drawer organizers, get some sturdy, corrugated cardboard. Measure the drawer and trace the width and length onto a piece of cardboard. Cut out a flat square or rectangle from the cardboard that matches the dimensions of the drawer. Measure the depth of the drawer and cut out several strips of cardboard that are as long as the drawer's width or length and as wide as the depth of the drawer. Glue these strips onto the cardboard rectangle or square. Slide the organizer into the bottom of the drawer once the glue has dried and place the contents of the drawer between the sections. Group like items together for optimal organization.


Recycle old lockers for useful storage containers. Visit local schools near the end of the school year and inquire if any lockers are being discarded. Many schools allow community members to take used items like lockers for free if they were going to throw them away anyway. Scrub the lockers inside and out with hot water and soap. If there are any dents, you can try to tap them out with a small hammer. Have your kids help you paint the lockers in colors they like. You also can decorate them with stickers, magnets and photos. Anchor the lockers to a wall in your child's room and you have a fashionable, personalized storage option.

Tags: them with, cardboard that, child room, decorate them, decorate them with