Monday, January 19, 2009

Easy Closet Installation

Basic closet componets are easy to install.

Any free-standing closet is an armoire. To install an armoire, you simply slide it up against any wall. Any space that is built into the wall is a closet. You can install the basic shelf and rod into any closet in less than an hour. Easy installation utilizes only basic hand tools and some pine lumber. You can paint it or leave it natural. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Measure the length from side to side at the back of the closet. Using the saw, cut the long piece of pine, the closet rod and shelf to that measurement.

2. Locate the studs along the back wall using a stud finder and mark the studs with a pencil. Measure up from the floor 72 inches and make two marks on the wall on both sides. Hold the pine up to the wall in back and screw it to the wall, screwing through the pine into the studs using the cordless drill and three-inch screws.

3. Measure the sides of the closet. Cut two pieces of pine at those measurements. Measure to the center of both pieces. Drill a hole through both pieces centered lengthwise on the pieces using the cordless gun and one-inch bit.

4. Run the stud finder along both sides of the closet. Find the studs and mark them. Screw one piece of pine to the left side, aligning the side with the back piece that you put on before.

5. Insert the closet rod into the hole on the piece that you screwed to the wall. Insert the other end into the other piece of pine, holding the rod above your held tilted up at an angle. Drop the rod and pine down, sliding it down along the wall until it aligns with the back piece of pine and the rod is horizontal from side to side. Screw the pine into the wall on that side, securing the rod.

6. Drop the shelf down on top of the pine. Nail it to the pine all the way around using the hammer and nails.

Tags: piece pine, back piece, both pieces, both sides, from side, from side side