Thursday, June 27, 2013

Organize Clothes On Shelving In A Closet

Organize the clothes in your closet to reduce clutter and save space.

The mad rush to get dressed and out the door every morning often results in clothes being flung all over the floor or on the bed. It can even be impossible to find an outfit to wear if you have a messy closet. Life coach Ronit Baras points out that a messy home with too much clutter can lead to stress, or feelings of pressure and urgency. Organizing the clothes on shelves in your closet can save space and reduce your stress level. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Empty the closet of clothes completely. Wipe off any dust or dirt on the shelves with paper towels and a cleaning spray.

2. Sort through all of the clothes and decide what you want to keep. "Good Housekeeping" magazine suggests making four piles when organizing clothes: keep, mend, donate and throw away. Throw out any torn, stained or worn out pieces in a large trash bag.

3. Place the rest of your unwanted clothes in another large trash bag. Donate these pieces to charities and thrift stores, or give them to family members and friends.

4. Fold your jeans, shorts, sweaters, pajamas and blouses neatly to prevent wrinkling.

5. Separate any out-of-season clothes. Store these pieces either on the very top shelf of the closet or in a plastic container under your bed to save closet space.

6. Arrange the remaining clothes by category and assign a different category to each shelf, such as office wear, casual outfits, sportswear and pajamas. Place the appropriate clothing items on each assigned shelf in neat piles.

Tags: large trash, save space, these pieces, your closet