Monday, December 31, 2012

What Is The Height Of A Coat Closet Rod

Rod heights vary in coat closets.

The height of a coat closet rod can be varied depending on the closet's usage. There are standard height measurements, but depending on the installer, these can be changed. Does this Spark an idea?


The standard height for a coat closet rod is approximately 66 inches from the floor. This is the estimated eye-level height of the average adult.


Donna Smallin, author of "Organizing Plain and Simple," suggests installing the coat closet rod at shoulder height for the occupants of the residence. Smallin says the this can be done whether the closet is meant for children or adults.

Extra Rods

For a closet used by people of varying heights, or to increase the amount of garment storage, consider installing more than one rod. A standard-height rod that spans the length of the closet is good for all length of coats, but installing a second, shorter rod will solve the problem of space and reach.

Storage Concerns

In closets where more storage is needed, the rod and the shelf above the rod can be lifted to a height of 75 inches, says Chris Gleason, in "The Complete Custom Closet." This will create a larger storage area below the coats, and the smaller dimensions of the upper shelf can be used for long-term storage.


Substituting an adjustable rod in a coat closet for the usual permanent rod will allow the user to make changes to the height. Install adjustable rods between four and six feet in height for the most versatility.

Tags: coat closet, height coat, standard height