Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Cheap Ways To Remodel A Bedroom

You don't need to go into debt to create an attractive bedroom.

If your bedroom is looking tired and uninviting, but you don't have the money for an expensive remodel, take advantage of cheap ways to liven it up and make it more attractive. Simple tricks involving colors and composition can make as much difference as expensive new furniture, if you know what you're doing.

Built-In Shelves

Consider making more space in your bedroom by creating some built-in shelves where clutter can be hidden away. You can inset built-in shelves into an interior wall and make use of space that was just sitting idle inside the wall. You can also install shelves inside the bedroom closet and make use of previously wasted space on the sides or at the back of the closet. For more visible shelves, create a built in shelf unit that will fill an entire end wall of your bedroom. These shelves can be filled with books and other attractive items that will add character to the room.


A coat of paint doesn't cost a lot of money and can completely transform a room. If your bedroom seems smaller than it actually is because of a dark or dingy paint job, brighten it and open it up by covering the walls with cream or yellow paint. If the ceiling is discolored or dim, brighten it up as well with a fresh coat of bright white paint. These colors will reflect the daylight as it comes in through the window and make the bedroom seem much more lively and welcoming.

Found Objects

Add some life and visual interest to your bedroom without spending money by displaying odd and unusual objects that you have found. Bits of nature like pine cones, tree branches or colorful autumn leaves can bring a bit of the outdoors into your private sanctuary. If you live in an urban area, explore flea markets and junk shops for old dolls, vintage photographs and other objects that can lend a patina of age and mystery to your bedroom environment.


Some bedrooms lose their inviting character as they get overrun with clutter. If your bedroom is full of scattered clothing, magazines and unwashed dishes, begin its new life by emptying it of everything and giving it a good clean. After you've stripped it down to its bare bones, only allow things back in that you are going to use. Experiment with a minimalist sleeping environment, and relegate all of your clutter to the closet or the dishwasher. A bedroom that is empty except for a bed, a small rug, a nightstand and one dramatic painting on the wall can create a restful atmosphere.

Tags: your bedroom, objects that, that will