Monday, September 24, 2012

Cheap Solutions For Closet Clutter

A disorganized, cluttered closet creates a sense of disarray in the room, and results in wasted time trying to hunt and find belongings. In contrast, an organized, clutter-free closet offers simplicity, ease and manageability, as well as a visually pleasing storage space. You don't have to hire a professional organizer or spend a fortune on shelving and storage units to get a well-organized closet. You can achieve a complete closet makeover for as little as $50.

Evaluate and Purge

Purging your closet of unnecessary items is the most crucial, yet most difficult task of the closet organizing process. Thoroughly evaluate clothing, shoes, purses and accessories. Be honest with yourself about which belongings you no longer use or wear. Rid yourself of :

Attire and accessories that you haven't worn in a year.

Any clothing that no longer fits.

Clothes and shoes that are no longer in style. Don't hang on to something because you believe it's going to be back in vogue someday.

Garments that need mending and have been waiting in the closet for months for repair.

Clothes that you never wear because they don't coordinate with anything else in your wardrobe.

If you've accumulated quite a bundle of clothes, shoes, purses, etc., and you can't bear to part with them, then maybe earning cash for the possessions can motivate you to de-clutter. Plan a garage sale, or, if you have expensive apparel that is in excellent condition, try selling it at a consignment store or online through eBay or Craigslist.

Economical Organizers

In addition to removing nonessential belongings from your closet, purchase a few inexpensive closet organizing pieces from Target , WalMart or Ross. Most of these handy organizers are less than $20. There are canvas or cloth hanging shelves that can store shoes and clothes. These hanging shelves are compact enough to take up a small amount of space in your closet, yet provide enough shelving to organize items efficiently. Purchase and mount hooks in your closet to hang belts, purses, scarves, hats and lightweight jackets. If you have a large collection of shoes, buy a plastic or metal shoe rack to store shoes.

Smart Arranging

Arrange clothes in a systematic manner. Coordinate clothing and hang tops and bottoms that you wear frequently together on the same hangar. Place favorite apparel near the front of your closet and less worn items toward the back. Use the same rule for accessories on shelves. Put frequently used items on lower, accessible shelves, and less frequently worn items on higher shelves. "Seasonalize" your closet. Store out-of-season clothes in cheap plastic or cardboard storage boxes under your bed.

Tags: your closet, closet organizing, hanging shelves, shoes purses, store shoes, that longer, worn items