Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Sell Clothes On Craigslist

sell clothes on Craigslist

Your closet might be overflowing with clothes that you don't wear, so why not sell them on Craigslist if you need extra cash?

Here are some tips on successfully sell clothes (as well as your children's, if you have children!) on Craigslist.


1. Sort through your clothing that is in good condition. You probably don't wear half of the items that jam your closet. If you have items of different sizes, make piles of the clothing by size. Then separate by tops, pants, skirts, dresses and outerwear. It is a good idea to also sort by season.

2. Post an advertisement on Craigslist. You can either create an account (free)or just post without an account. The advantage of having an account set up is that you will not be required to post and wait for a confirmation email each time you post something to sell.

3. Sell each "lot" of clothing for a very reasonable price. If they are all in one size and one season, sell all the pieces as a "summer wardrobe" or "winter clothing". Do not get caught up with what you paid for the item. It's not doing anything for you just hanging in the closet.

4. Set a reasonable price as if you are selling at a yard sale. If you have 50 pieces of clothing, charge a little less than $1 per piece and advertise the whole lot for $45. List how many pieces of each type of clothing you are selling, the size and condition. Note in the ad that the clothing is sold as a lot (you don't want people coming by for one item at a time)and that you only accept cash. Take pictures of a few of the items to give the buyer an idea and post them with your ad.

5. Be honest when selling your clothing. If there are rips and stains, say so. Sell these items for a lower price or just donate them to a Big Sisters Organization. Just make sure they are "wear-able".

6. If you have children, the above steps for selling adult clothing can be used to sell children's clothing on Craigslist. Selling children's clothing is great because many parents are tightening the clothing budget and are shopping at consignment shops for themselves and their children!

7. Best time to sell children's clothing? Before school starts (sell in August)and before summer vacation starts (sell in May). Sell barely used snow boots, ski pants and jackets that no longer fit in October or November.

In addition, if you want to get rid of summer clothing in the winter, post an ad for these items in early January. Many families travel over winter break (Februrary) to warm climates. It's hard to find summer clothes if you live in a state where it snows in the winter! This is a perfect time to make extra cash (especially right after the holidays!)

8. Be reasonable with your prices and SAFE when you sell. Do not allow anyone to come to your home. Meet in a public place such as a grocery store parking lot. Request cash and always make sure you are paid first. If you feel uncomfortable, do not make the exchange.

Selling on Craigslist can be quick and profitable. Just make sure you don't over-value your items and you sell safely!

Tags: children clothing, make sure, extra cash, have children, Just make, Just make sure