Thursday, July 18, 2013

Organize Bathroom Cabinets

That cluttered bathroom with towels strung about, shampoo leaking in the tub and soap disintegrating on the counter! It's not how the rest of the house looks, but, for some reason, the bathroom is a mess. There are simple ways to organize the bathroom. Follow these hints and it will be far easier than you ever dreamed. Does this Spark an idea?


Organize Bathroom Cabinets

1. Save space, something seriously lacking in most bathrooms. Throw out products that are not needed. Combine half-empty bottles of products into one. Threadbare towels and wash clothes must also go. Get rid of all the clutter that is haunting you and your bathroom.

2. Place rarely used items on the highest shelves or move into another storage area in your home. Keep the things that you use the most on the lower shelves for easier use. Medications, cleaning products and other items that can be dangerous to children and pets should be put out of reach. Preferably, they should be in a locked cabinet out of reach of little paws, human and non-human.

3. Group together items that are similar or are used together, such as shampoo and conditioners, toothpaste and mouthwash, and tweezers and fingernail clippers, as well as all other personal care items. Use small storage containers to keep these items together. Store these containers on shelves or in drawers. Use small containers and baskets to keep the “miscellaneous” items together and not loosely scattered on shelves and drawers.

4. Towels and wash cloths should be folded and placed in an orderly fashion on shelves.Arrange them by size, color or function, which ever way works best for your home. If you have a matching set, keep them together. Store everyday towels in one area and guest towels in another. It is if best if those guest towels can be stored in the guest room. This will save you even more space.

5. Transfer the contents of larger bottles to small travel-sized containers, if you are short on space. Store the large bottles in another area of the house, if possible. The travel-sized bottles can be stored on the shelves in the shower or in drawers where they are hidden from sight.

6. Label everything. Shelves, containers, baskets and bottles should be labeled so that everyone can see what items are in a specific location. If you notice things are not where they should be, act quickly to get them back where they belong.

Tags: where they, Bathroom Cabinets, containers baskets, guest towels, items that, items together, Organize Bathroom