Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Save Money Easily And Quickly

Where Savings Brings You

These are many hints and tips to help you save money and put it in the bank! Combining multiple hints/tips will multiply your savings quite rapidly! Try to stick to as many of these as you can...


1. This is an older technique, but it still works wonders... Save all of your change, put it all into a jar and at the end of the month roll your change and deposit it into your savings account. You'll be surprised how much your extra pocket change from the end of the day adds up!.. Most banks will give you coin wrappers for FREE!

2. This is similar to the one above... instead of going to the bank monthly, store all of your rolled change in a shoebox in a closet. When you fill the shoebox, start another. After you accumulate 5 shoeboxes then cash it in!

3. This may be a little rich for some people, but boy does it make savings quick...At the end of the day take all of your $1 bills out of your wallet and throw them in that shoebox you're keeping your change in, or somewhere else safe. Then if you're feeling extra "savvy" throw in a $5 bill for good measures.

4. Use your knowledge to barter for other services you need/want. For example, if you're a chef cook a gourmet meal for your neighbor in exchange for your neighbor babysitting your child(ren).

5. In the summer, avoid going to the carwash to wash your car. Instead buy some soap and hose down your car in the driveway. It's much much cheaper than paying the carwash to wash your car.

6. Slow down! Keeping your speed 65 or below will increase your gas milege drastically! Adding 2-3 miles per gallon to your fuel economy.

7. Fill up. Don't keep putting $10 in your tank. Fill it up and then when you're empty fill it up again.

8. Carpool as much as you can. If you and you're neighbor frequent the same places regularly it would be wise and frugal to carpool. Take turns carpooling that way you're cutting down on your gas expenses as well as not putting the wear on your vehicle.

9. Learn to change your own oil. Most mechanics and garages charge $25 and up to change your oil. Go to Walmart and buy your oil (5 qts normally) and your vehicles oil filter. You'll probably spend between $10 and $15, saving you an additional $10-$15 each oil change.

10. Cut back on eating out. Eat out once a week and stick to it! Cooking at home can be fun as well!

11. When you've accumulated enough money in your savings account, turn that money into a certificate of deposit to earn a higher interest rate on your money. Making your money work for you!

12. Furthermore, after you've accumulated $5,000 or more, ask your bank about a money market account where you can earn an even higher interest rate on your money. Making your money work for you!

13. If you can afford to, contribute the highest possible contribution amount to your 401k. These are great because most companies will MATCH a portion of your contributions. The more you contribute the more they will too!

14. Make a weekly trip to the grocery store for your groceries. Make a thorough shopping list and stick to your list. Buy just enough to last you for the week.

15. If you need some essentials during the week and need to visit the grocery store only take a basket, not a cart. After you've filled your basket, or have everything you need, do not buy any more, check out.

16. When shopping purchase store brands! They're cheaper and generally of the same quality as national brands... (I've also found some store brands to be tastier than store brands!)

17.Pay your bills on time. Paying your bills on time will avoid late fees and interest fees. Additionally this will give you good credit and lower interest rates when you need a loan for a car, home etc.

18. Set goals for yourself and do your best to achieve them. Both savings goals and life goals.

19. Go through your telephone, cell phone, and television bills. Cut out any packages and features that you do not need... if you don't find yourself using your home telephone, cancel the line altogether. This alone could save you up to $60 per month.

20. Don't buy lottery tickets or gamble. Statistics say that people only get back 30% of what they spend on lottery tickets, so they're not a good investment.

21. Make a bag lunch for work. Eating out everyday on your break adds up quick!.. if this is tough for you, start by bringing a bag lunch once a week then work your way up to twice a week and so on. If you bring a bag lunch 3 times a week to work that would save you $30 per week, or $120 per month... bring a bag lunch more often to multiply your savings even more!

Tags: your money, your savings, store brands, your bills, your change, bills time, bring lunch