Friday, January 21, 2011

Decorating Old Hat Boxes

Old hat boxes can become decorative storage solutions.

Old hat boxes can be charming and decorative storage containers for your home. The distinctive shapes and sizes have character that should not be hidden away in a closet. Decorating old hat boxes to fit your style can include covering them with fabric, paper or acrylic paint. Cover them with family photos or honor the vintage era and include old period jewelry as part of the decorations. Use the decorated boxes as storage for greeting cards, craft supplies, photos and mementos.


1. Wipe the old hat box inside and out with a cleaning cloth to remove dust and debris.

2. Place the hat box lid top down on a section of thin fabric. Measure and pin the fabric to fit over the inside rim of the hat box. Remove the lid. Cut the fabric to cover the lid.

3. Place the hat box right side up on top of a section of fabric. Pull the fabric up over the sides of the box and pin it 1 inch inside the top rim. Remove the box. Cut the fabric to fit the box.

4. Coat the top of the hat box lid with spray adhesive. Place the fabric cut to fit the lid face down on a flat surface. Center the lid on the fabric and press down. Spray adhesive on the outside and inside rim of the lid. Fold the fabric up and over the rim. Clip clothes pins around the rim to hold the fabric in place while the adhesive dries.

5. Position the fabric cut for the box section face down on a flat surface. Spray adhesive on the bottom of the hat box. Sit the hat box in the center of the fabric. Press down on the box. Spray adhesive on one side of the box and along the inside rim of the same side. Fold the fabric up and over the rim. Smooth the sides and hold the fabric in place with clothes pins. Continue to cover each side of the box with fabric until the box is covered.

6. Arrange pieces of vintage jewelry on the top of the box. Brooches and earrings work best, but you can also arrange necklaces and bracelets as borders. Remove the backs of earrings and pins with wire cutters as needed for the jewelry to lay flat. Glue the jewelry to the fabric on the hat box lid with hot glue.

7. Position the hat box on one side. Arrange flat-backed rhinestones over the side facing you. Glue the stones in place with hot glue. Repeat this step to decorate all of the sides of the hat box with colorful rhinestones.

Tags: fabric over, Spray adhesive, clothes pins, decorative storage, down flat, down flat surface