Thursday, July 1, 2010

Cheat At The Sims 2 Debug Cheats

Besides the regular repertoire of cheats, Maxis included the testing system for The Sims 2. This system has many features that the developers and testers used to ensure the quality of the game, and it allows you to do a ton of stuff that is normally inaccessible.


Debugging Your Sims

1. Press Ctrl+Shift+C to enable debug mode. This will open the cheat console.

2. Type in: boolprop testingcheatsenabled true. This allows you to crank up your Sims' need, relationship, skill, personality and interest bars to make them perfect and forever happy!

3. Shift+click on one of your Sims to: change your Sims' fitness (make them skinny or fat); change your Sims' clothes; give your Sim a birthday; make a Sim selectable or unselectable; or kill your Sim (if you're really so inclined).

4. Use this to also take control of NPCs or visitors.

5. Alter your aspiration bar or change your Sim's life aspiration.

Spawning Goodies

6. Use the "spawn" function to spawn some developer goodies. This will cause objects to appear on the floor next to your Sim.

7. Kill your Sim with Rodney's Death Creator in ways you never thought possible.

8. Create or delete your Sim with Tombstone of Life and Death.

9. Play dress-up with your Sims using Tom's Clothing Tester. Have them wear NPC outfits along with career outfits.

10. Make your Sim sick with Makemesick Tester. It can induce a cold, the flu, pneumonia, food poisoning or morning sickness (even in male Sims).

11. Enroll your Sim in private school with Scenario Tester automatically.

12. Make your Sim act out reactions to certain situations with Paul's Reaction Tester.

13. Play out job scenarios with Chance Card Tester. Be careful, because this can last a long time and be very boring. We recommend leaving this one alone.

14. Do homework with Memory Manager (or so it seems).

Tags: your Sims, change your, change your Sims, make them, Make your, This will, your with