Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Make A Homemade Jewelry Holder With A Lattice

Make a jewelry holder out of lattice.

Make a lattice jewelry holder to hang on your wall or closet door. Wooden lattice---often used in gardening and home improvement projects---is decorative enough for both traditional and contemporary bedroom or bathroom decor and provides plenty of space to organize your rings, necklaces, bracelets and earrings. If you find jewelry boxes to be bulky and inconvenient, transform a piece of wooden lattice into a jewelry holder to save space on your dresser or vanity table.


1. Turn the lattice sheet so that there is a full X shape on the top left. Count three full X shapes from the left. Your lattice jewelry holder will be this wide.

2. Make a vertical cut after the third full X shape. Use a circular saw---as suggested in the HGTV web topic, "A Decorative Screen"---to cut the lattice. If you don't have access to or can't use a circular saw, ask your lumber dealer or hardware store to make the cut for you.

3. Turn the piece of lattice over. Hammer two nail-less picture hangers into the top of the lattice. Nail-less picture hangers are made with prongs you can hammer into the wood.

4. Turn the piece of lattice back over. Apply 3/4-inch cup hooks to the lattice where desired. Gently press the screw portion into the wood and turn the cup hook until fully inserted.

5. Hang the lattice jewelry holder on the wall or closet door.

Tags: jewelry holder, lattice jewelry, lattice jewelry holder, closet door, full shape, into wood