Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Search Multiple File Names At Once In A Computer

The Windows operating system has a search feature that lets you search one or several files at the same time. This feature is beneficial for Windows users who need to find several files at once without spending time to search individually. The feature saves time, and it makes it more convenient for users who aren't sure of the name of the file.


1. Click the Windows "Start" button. Notice in the main menu, there is a search text box. You can type your file names you want to search directly in this text box.

2. Type the first file name you want to find. If you are unsure of the name, you can use an asterisk as a wild card. For instance, if you want to find all ".bat" files, type "*.bat" in the search text box.

3. Add a semicolon to the end of the first file name and type the second search phrase. For instance, if you want to search all ".bat" files and a file named "myfile.txt," type the following text:

*.bat; myfile.txt

4. Continue adding a semicolon and an additional search phrase until you have all of the file names entered in to the search text box. After you finish the search phrase, press "Enter" to perform the search. A window opens that lists all the files and the location for the files that Windows finds.

Tags: search phrase, search text, file name, first file, first file name, instance want